Jochem Hoogendijk


Personal website of Jochem Hoogendijk


Research interest

My current research is on solving and deducing properties of first-order conservation partial differential equations by using random graphs and branching processes. This fits into my broader interest of representing/solving partial differential equations using stochastic processes.


Below you can find my preprints and publications.




I am currently a fourth year PhD Student at Utrecht University. My supervisor is Dr. Ivan Kryven. Previously, I was a student in applied mathematics and applied physics at Delft University of Technology where I wrote my master’s thesis under Prof. Mark Veraar and Dr. Manuel Gnann.


I have been involved as a student assistant in several courses:


There are a lot of great digital tools out there to make life easier for you, but you may not know about them! Hence, I list some of the tools I use below. While most of my work as a mathematician still happens with pen and paper, I mostly use (and highly recommend!) the following tools:


If you are interested what I do or think outside of mathematics, please see below.

Interesting Websites/Blogs

Once in a while I run into fascinating websites and blogs that I think are worth sharing. I try to add articles that contain a good measure of surprise and new ideas.


I have always liked reading both fiction and non-fiction. I am currently going back to the classics and reading Homer’s The Odyssey. My current book recommendation is Antifgragile, by Nassim Taleb.


I have played a lot of videogames growing up and occasionally still do. I haven’t played anything recently. A game that I enjoyed very much a long time ago is The Witcher 3, with its superb story.


My current movie recommendation is Dune: Part 2.

Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler - Albert Einstein (allegedly)